+91 - 98482 24597 msrcentralschool@gmail.com
  • School Timings

    8:40am - 4:00pm

  • Admissions

    Open now

school rules


  • Student must carry his/her almanac to school daily. All identity information should be complete and duly signed by parents.
  • The students should come to school on time. Late comers should report to the PTE on arrival.
  • The students should be well dressed in their school uniform. Boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals.
  • Attendance in the morning assembly is compulsory. Exemption from assembly will be granted on medical grounds only.
  • The students are not permitted to bring objectionable books, magazines or such literature to School.
  • Radio, video game, mobile phones, pagers and other electronic gadgets are not permitted in School.
  • The students of MSR Central School are expected to :
    • Be proud of their school and present a good image especially by behaving themselves when in public.
    • Greet their teachers whenever they meet them and never speak ill of them.
    • Speak English within the classrooms and in the school premises.
    • Be regular in attending classes and doing their homework and other assignments.
    • Make full use of Library and maintain silence in the Library.
    • Keep off verandas, staircases and classrooms during recess/lunch breaks.
    • Respect school property and report immediately of any damage to school property.
  • watches, ornaments/valuables or jewellary are also not permitted.
  • Irregular attendance, neglect of homework, insubordination with teachers, wilful disobedience or behaviour not in tune with the general discipline ofthe school, will be dealt with seriously.
  • Smoking in any form or gambling is totally prohibited.
  • Business transaction in the school is not permitted.
  • The Principal reserves the right to suspend/rusticate or take disciplinary action against a student who violates the school rules/indulges in any form of indiscipline or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
  • Reward and Punishment
  • Reward: In order to ensure value education, students are recognized and appreciated by getting cards of honesty and positive attitude.

    Punishment: Warning cards will be awarded for serious offences.